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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Jesse Beaverson Demigod among Humans

What A Guy/ What A Class

Thanks to some HTML wizardry, i have solved the photo overlapping issues on the blog. The same issues that i single handedly created in the first place. In the future, anybody who wants to make a post within the blog should follow the template of a previously posted entry, i.e. copy and paste the source view of an older blog entry into your new entry, then go to the wysiwyg view, (where the copied and pasted content of the older template blog should appear) and then delete and reenter text/pictures in the appropriate places. This may seem redundant, which it is, so if you can make entries without all these steps by all means do so. This method is just a surefire way to avoid any formatting issues.

Owen taught a fairly good sized class here at The Bridge today, and it went well. Having a spacious studio packed with good equipment is certainly a better alternative to a cramped classroom with a couple mac's in it. The students got to set up and record live drums & also experiment with some different mic techniques, such as isolating the bass drum mic with some well placed freestanding gobos.

Ben also finished assembly on the first of 2 diffusor panels, and Janos and Owen seem excited about it. Mounting it on the wall before installing the bass traps underneath it should be interesting but he knows what hes doing.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

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